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Project 6: Testing an expectation based model of negative-affect related traits

Prof. Dr. Erik Müller (Differential Psychology and Personality Research)

PhD Student: Marián Boor

This project aims at testing a new, expectation-based model of neuroticism. The model assumes that (A) several mechanisms exist that stabilize negatively valent generalized expectations (e.g. avoidance, assimilation/active inference, immunization, and imagery) and (B) that interindividual differences in the degree to which these mechanisms are activated contribute to variation in negative-affect related personality traits like neuroticism and anxiety.


Panitz, C., Endres, D., Buchholz, M., Khosrowtaj, Z., Sperl, M. F., Mueller, E. M., ... & Pinquart, M. (2021). A revised framework for the investigation of expectation update versus maintenance in the context of expectation violations: The ViolEx 2.0 model. Frontiers in psychology, 5237.

More information on Prof. Dr. Erik Müller