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Internet- and mobile-based psychological interventions for post-traumatic stress symptoms in youth: A systematic review and meta-analysis.


This study systematically summarizes the current state of research on internet- and mobile-based intervention studies for adolescents with traumatic experiences and analyzes their effectiveness in reducing post-traumatic stress symptoms. A total of six studies were found, five of which were included in the meta-analysis. The type of trauma varied greatly between the studies. In the majority of the studies, the adolescents were included regardless of the extent or presence of post-traumatic symptoms and the interventions did not have any trauma-focused treatment components. Meta-analysis showed that the intervention groups were slightly less affected by post-traumatic stress symptoms after the intervention in the pre-post comparison than at the beginning. There was no effect when comparing the control and intervention groups at the post-measurement time. This study indicates in particular that the current state of research in the field of internet and mobile-based interventions for adolescents is insufficient. Further high-quality studies are essential for conclusions on effectiveness.

What to do when the unwanted happens? Negative event management in studies on internet- and mobile-based interventions for youths and adults with two case reports



This study deals with safety measures in dealing with negative events such as suicidality in internet- and mobile-based intervention studies. Two case reports are used to illustrate detailed strategies and procedures, and recommendations on safety measures for future studies are developed. The results highlight the benefits of a comprehensive approach that incorporates manualized and automated measures in combination with clinical judgment by study personnel. In addition, the establishment of an emergency contact from the participants' close environment is emphasized. When implementing internet and mobile-based interventions, it is important to balance safety measures with scalability and low-threshold accessibility.