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Elective subject "Laboratory Medicine"

Target group: This course is aimed at students in the advanced, clinical training stage within the elective subject "Learning and Teaching in Medicine".

 Venue: : Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Molecular Diagnostics, seminar room -1/50050

Detailed course description:

  1. insights into the work of a specialist in laboratory medicine (further training to become a specialist, career prospects, etc.), university laboratory, hospital, practice.
  2. excursion to internationally renowned diagnostic laboratories
  3. development and elaboration of rational laboratory diagnostic examination programmes on the basis of essential leading symptoms (e.g. chest pain, abdominal pain, fever, clouding of consciousness, infertility, food intolerance, joint swelling, etc.)
  4. more specific and in-depth insights into immunological diagnostics (autoimmune diseases, allergies, immunodeficiencies, transplant monitoring, sepsis)

What does the elective subject NOT offer:

Practical "pipetting activities", sample processing, practical insights into analytics.

Contents of the elective: : The elective consists of TWO components

  1. seminar in the summer semester - a 14-day seminar (90 minutes) at the Institute for Laboratory Medicine at the UKGM hospital
  2. A 3-day excursion summer semester break - the joint excursion to Liechtenstein and Switzerland takes place to get to know laboratory medicine in a large, established institute and in the Chur Cantonal Hospital.

Conclusion: the elective course comprises THREE semester hours per week.

First preliminary meeting will take place on April, 12th, 2023, 18:00 - 18:30, seminar room -1/50050

Registration via e-mail: until April, 11th, 2023

Certificate of achievement:

  • Regular participation in the course, grading of individual performance (level of knowledge, expansion of knowledge, active participation) by the lecturer
  • Maximum number of participants: 12 students

Responsible lecturer: Prof. Dr. med. Harald Renz

Dates (PDF)