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Geschichte / History (Bachelor of Arts)

Program: Geschichte / History
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Program length: 6 semesters / 3 years (180 ECTS points)
Start: Winter and Summer semesters

The Geschichte / History bachelor's program examines both one's own as well as foreign environments and cultures, with different systems of society, economy and politics. Specific historical methods of insight make it possible to define one's own historical-political location in an ever-transforming present. In time frames from antiquity to the present, the program imparts broad historical orientational knowledge with - geographically considered - global perspectives. Major topics can be emphasized here.

The practical orientation of the bachelor's program opens up access to numerous professional fields to the successful graduate, beyond those of the subject specialization.

Major topics

In the Marburg Geschichte / History bachelor's program, it is possible to specialize in any of the individual subject areas of Ancient, Medieval or Modern History. Concentration in two of the three major epochs is provided for already in the 3rd and 4th semesters, whereby the major epoch of Modern History can be divided between the Early Modern Period and Recent History. In the 5th and 6th semesters, the specialization is completed by focusing in one of the sub-fields, in which the final thesis is also written.


Due to their expertise in the subject of history, professional opportunities open up to successful graduates of the Geschichte / History program in the following areas, for example:

  • Science (universities, research institutes)
  • Educational sector (adult education, continuing education)
  • Museums and exhibitions
  • Media, public relations work (journalism), publishing, incl. e-publishing
  • Libraries and archives and public administration (higher civil service)
  • Organizational, consulting and management work at international Institutions and organizations (political parties, associations, etc.) and in governmental administrative, cultural and business management departments
  • IT
