Ramina Rezvan



ramina.rezvan@ 1 Deutschhausstraße 12
35032 Marburg
F|14 Institutsgebäude (Raum: 02A11)


Philipps-Universität Marburg Marburger Centrum Antike Welt (MCAW) Inszenierung religiöser Atmosphäre in antiken Kulturen (GRK 2844)
  • Curriculum Vitae

    Ramina Rezvan, a doctoral candidate in religious history at the University of Marburg, explores the 'Safavid Tariqa Ethereal Aura,' investigating the religious atmosphere of the Ardabil shrine. Her academic journey shifted to Iranian studies nine years ago, sparked by a fascination for cultural studies. In her master's, she delved into the impact of religious and historical contexts on names in Northwestern Iran, utilizing UNESCO-registered Ardabil documents. Her thesis, 'Study and Statistical Analysis of Proper Names,' illuminated cultural and religious dimensions of naming practices. Currently, she investigates the Šeyḵ Ṣafī ad-Din Ardabili Shrine from a fresh perspective, eagerly seeking collaboration with project members.

  • Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte

    Dissertationsprojekt im Rahmen eines GRK-Projekts Inszenierung religiöser Atmosphäre in antiken Kulturen: Religious Atmosphere of the Sheikh Safi ad-Din Ardabili’s Khanqah and Shrine, UNESCO World Heritage
    Diplomarbeit zum Thema: Analysis of Proper Names in Ardabil Historical Documents, UNESCO World Memory
    Weitere Interessen: Historische Dokumente und Manuskripte, Kulturanthropologie, Sufismus

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