11.09.2024 Panel: Security’s Achilles’ Heel: How Abductions and Hijackings Changed Global Security Dynamics in the 20th Century, Marburg 9. Oktober 2024

Security’s Achilles’ Heel: How Abductions and Hijackings Changed Global Security Dynamics in the 20th Century
Tagung: Historicities of Security and Peace
Veranstalter: Sonderforschungsbereich Transregio 138 "Dynamiken der Sicherheit. Formen der Versicherheitlichung in historischer Perspektive", Zentrum für Konfliktforschung, EUPeace Forschungszentrum "Security and Conflict Transformation"
Panel-Chairs: Dr. Eva Gajek (SFB 138, C01), Dr. Martin Göllnitz (UMR | SFB 138, C02), Dr. Marie Huber (UMR | SFB 138, C06)
Tagungstermin: 9.-11. Oktober 2024 | Paneltermin: 9. Oktober 2024, 15:00-16:30 Uhr
Tagungsort: Pilgrimstein 12, 35037 Marburg
Downloads: Tagungsprogramm
In the past, abductions and hijackings have changed the heuristics and repertoires of security in various areas: enhanced security measures in aviation, increased surveillance and legislative changes, heightened protections in public spaces, improved international cooperation, stricter corporate security protocols, and reinforced safety in educational settings. Our panel explores the profound impact of high-profile abductions and hijackings on the formation of specific security perceptions and practices globally. Three papers will analyse significant historical incidents of abductions and hijackings that illustrate how societies, governments and state security actors reacted to such (real and perceived) insecurities. We will examine the complex interplay of power and motivation in these crisis situations, as well as Symbolism and Semantics in Abductions and Hijackings. Finally, what influence did media coverage have on the public perception of such threat scenarios and the political handling of them? Additionally, it will be asked whether and, if so, how, specific heuristics and repertoires changed in these (in)security scenarios. Closely linked to this is the question of whether new security heuristics and repertoires have found an appropriate balance between ensuring safety and preserving civil liberties.
George A. Genyi (Federal University of Lafia, Nigeria)
Deepening Insecurity in Nigeria: Exploring the Trends in Abductions, Kidnapping and Armed Banditry
Srajan Srivastava (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India)
The Impact of Najibullah’s Assassination on Afghanistan’s Socio-Political Landscape and Migration Crisis
Eva Gajek (University of Marburg, Germany)
The Price of Security: Acts and Interpretations of Kidnappings of Millionaires in the 20th Century in the USA and Europe