14.11.2023 Vortex project launch in Malmö
From the 24th to the 27th of October, Thorsten Bonacker and doctoral student Violette Mens attended the Vortex project launch in Malmö, Sweden. They were warmly welcomed by the coordinator Kristian Steiner and his team.

This Doctoral Training Network, running from 2023 to 2026, unites ten doctoral candidates around the topic of (de)radicalisation. It aims at interdisciplinarity and diversity and projects therefore range from psychology to anthropology and political science while partners come from Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Romania, and Sweden.
The successful kick-off was the opportunity for the doctoral students and their supervisors to meet in person and discuss the overall research program, methodologies, research ethics and the individual PhD projects. In the Vortex network Marburg is responsible for the work package on knowledge production on (de)radicalisation.
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bonacker