15.02.2019 Junior Professorship Accounting & Finance with two contributions accepted at FMA European Conference 2019 in Glasgow

FMA European Conference 2019

Bild der EFMA 2019 Glasgow
Foto: FMA

The team of the junior professorship Accounting & Finance will be represented at this year's European Conference of the Financial Management Association (FMA) in Glasgow/Scotland with two projects. The working paper of Lukas Brenner and Prof. Dr. Oscar Stolper "The impact of intergenerational transfers on private pension savings" was accepted and will be presented at the conference on June 12-14, 2019. The working paper "Consumer fraud victimization and financial well-being", which was created in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Andreas Walter (Chair of Financial Services, Gießen University) and Tobias Meyll, and the junior professorship Accounting & Finance (Prof. Stolper/ Lukas Brenner), was also accepted. We are looking forward to the presentation of the projects and to the constructive discussions on our research results in Glasgow.