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International students at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy visited the memorial installation “Verblendung”.

As part of the seminar 'Current Aspects of Germany and Europe', students from Turkey, Japan, Kosovo, China, South Korea and Greece are discussing recent research activities in the Department 03, in this case research in the field of Memory Studies. The memorial installation is located in the Schüler-Park in Marburg.

The ‘Verblendung’ memorial installation deals with the history of the Marburg hunters (historical military batallion, Hessian Jäger Bataillon No. 11) who were involved in the murder of the Herero and Nama in Namibia as well as in war crimes in Belgium, among others. The 'Jägerdenkmal' is a huge pillar and it had been built in 1921 and it is now partly covered by two semicirceles of angle profiles.

The installation provides a critical artistic examination of the Marburg hunters and their role in colonialism, militarism and intolerance. The students explored the memorial installation and discussed its functionality and meaning for people in Marburg and in Germany.