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International students visiting 'Theodor Koch-Grünberg'

Exchange students from different regions visited the exhibition 'Theodor Koch-Grünberg and the Production of Science' in the Ethnographic Collection of the Philipps-Universität. As part of the seminar 'Current Aspects of Germany and Europe', the students are discussing recent research activities in the Department 03. The historical significance of the early ethnographic expeditions and the handling of Theodor Koch-Grünberg's academic legacy raise interesting questions, especially in the context of current debates on colonialism. His academic legacy is in the custody of the Philipps-Universität Marburg. The exhibition shows methodical and also very practical aspects of his research and collecting trips. The students discussed, for instance, what statements can be made on the basis of photographs and whether their own social media stories about living and studying in Marburg can be viewed from similar perspectives.