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Bayesian Statistics and Machine Learning in Neuroscience


This course consists of lectures and exercises about

  • Foundations of Probability,
  • Bayesian Reasoning and Networks,
  • Stochastic Processes,
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning.

Literature suggestions for the beginner

On 'Why':
Larry Bretthorst and Edward Jaynes (2003): Probability Theory, the Logic of Science. Cambridge Univ. Press
Joseph Halpern (2003): Reasoning about Uncertainty. MIT Press.

On 'Howto':
Christopher Bishop (2006): Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer.
Carl Rasmussen and Christopher Willams (2005): Gaussian Processes

Even more in-depth 'Howto':
Daphne Koller and Nir Friedmann (2009): Probabilistic Graphical Models. MIT Press.
Kevin Murphy (2012): Machine Learning, a Probabilistic Perspective. MIT Press.
David Barber (2012): Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning. Cambridge Univ. Press.

Judea Pearl (2009): Causality.

More Information

Regular cycle: winter semester

Eligible: students of Psychology, and Cognitive and Integrative Systems Neuroscience (M.Sc.)

Experimental Practicum