05.02.2024 Appearance on "scobel" on German TV

Logo of the German culture and science documentary series scobel.

Appearance on scobel on German TV station 3sat

German culture and science documentary series scobel invited Prof. Dr. Stefan Hofmann as a guest for their episode "Die Angst-Falle" (The Fear Trap) on February 1. Together with neuroscientist Maren Umer and media scientist Bernhard Pörksen he discussed the functions and dangers of fear and uncertainty.

scobel is a series about various scientiftic, ethical, and cultural topics, hosted by TV journalist and philosopher Gert Scobel. The show started its run in 2008 and can be seen weekly at 9PM on German TV station 3sat.

The entire episode is available (in German only) on the 3sat website.