27.02.2019 Publication: "Teaching Canadian Ecologies" (05.12.2018)

New publication by the Marburge Centre for Canadian Studies (eds. Martin Kuester and Natascha Vonderschmitt)

Ein Buchcover, darauf das Motiv eines klaren Sees an einem bewaldeten Berg
Bild: Tectum Verlag

This book has been published in the Marburger Schriften zur Lehrerbildung series and is the result of the centre's work regarding "ecologies" with the aim to provide teachers with Canadian topics for schools. The book is the product of a successful cooperation with schools which has begun due to the interest of their teachers in Canadianist teacher workshops. Some enthusiastic teachers from schools in Marburg (Landschulheim Steinmühle, Elisabethschule und Martin-Luther-Schule) and Gelnhausen Grimmelshausen Gymnasium und Berufliche Schulen) have contributed to the works presented in the book.
