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Journeys across B/Orders in Canadian Studies
International Conference (09 - 11 June 2022, University of Marburg, Germany)
The conference pursues at least twofold objectives: On the one hand, it is interested in an exploration of journeys and borders as well as orders (in the manifold sense of the term) and in the interplay of these concepts in Canadian literature, culture and society, for example. On the other hand, it seeks to explore what Canadian Studies is interested in, how it has developed, what challenges it has been met with, who and what is included or excluded –in short: what borders has it travelled across, what journeys has it undertaken in the last twenty years and what b/orders might it cross in the future?
The conference includes panel sessions, a round table discussion as well as keynote lectures by Prof. Eleanor Ty (Wilfrid Laurier University), Prof. Astrid Fellner (Saarland University), and Johan Schimanski (Oslo University), and readings by acclaimed authors Larissa Lai and George Elliott Clarke.
For more information, check out our conference poster, our info sheet for using Big Blue Button, and our maps of Marburg with restaurant and hotel recommendations. The programme, registration form, and the book of abstracts with detailed information about the panels can be found below. You can also follow us on twitter!
For further information, please contact the conference organizers: Dr. Alessandra Boller ( and Walaa Said, M.A. (