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Procedure culture

  • Professorship appointment – a collective responsibility

    With its professorship appointments, the University of Marburg pursues the goal of attracting personalities who excel in their field while at the same time having a range of connections and who see special interdisciplinary opportunities for new research approaches and degree programs. Appointments at the University of Marburg are therefore a collective, interdepartmental and inter-research core task: The Dean’s Offices of the departments regularly exchange information with the other discipline-adjacent Dean’s Offices and research center executives on the professorships that will become vacant in the near future and discuss strategic goals for the new appointments together with the university’s Executive Board.

  • Job posting

    The job postings for professorships reflect the professorship appointment culture at the University of Marburg: In addition to discipline-related excellence in research and teaching, applicants are expected to open to collaborate with others and to communicate with students, colleagues, neighboring disciplines, and the public. The scientific and innovative potentials of tenure track professors and early stage scientists and researchers are of particular importance.

  • Professorship Appointment Commission

    The composition of the Professorship Appointment Committees reflects the interdisciplinary perspective on the profile of the new professorship to be filled and includes discipline-adjacent Dean’s Offices and research centers.

  • Application

    All applicants submit a research and teaching concept that demonstrates and justifies the link between their own subject-related profile and both the department and the university. Already at this stage, applicants can name potential scientists or researchers in the department as well as in related departments and centers in Marburg with whom they would like to establish working relationships for future research and teaching collaborations. Information on current national and international collaborations as well as participation in collaborative projects illustrate the ability to collaborate and openness to both subject-specific and interdisciplinary communication.

  • Selection

    First and foremost, the University of Marburg considers the quality of past research achievements: Quantity alone does not impress. Bibliometric analyses of research achievements are secondary in the selection process. The foundation for the evaluation of scientific or scholarly achievements is based in the research and teaching concepts and the most significant papers, essays, and books cited by the applicants, as well as the evaluation criteria for professorship appointment procedures and tenure track evaluations of the University of Marburg (PDF, German). For tenure track professors or early stage scientists or researchers competing with more experienced professors, the potential for professional development is of particular importance. An internationally oriented research and teaching profile, experience abroad, and foreign language competence are also significant advantages.

    The evaluation also takes personal aspects into account, such as periods spent caring for children or other family members in need of care.

    Applicants invited to present will have the opportunity to meet with other faculty from the department and related departments or research centers in order to establish contacts for future research and teaching collaborations. In sample lectures with students, applicants can express their enthusiasm for the subject and their didactic and communication skills.

  • External evaluation

    The external reviewers are informed by the Dean’s Office in charge about the guiding principles of the University of Marburg’s professorship appointment culture and evaluation criteria for appointments and tenure track evaluations (PDF, German). This ensures that the external reviewers also take the central evaluation aspects of quality, openness, and connectivity at the University of Marburg into account accordingly.