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Research Training Group (RTG) 2271

Welcome to the Research Training Group (RTG) 2271!

The Research Training Group (RTG) 2271 "Maintenance vs. change of expectations in the context of expectation violations" is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) since 2017. The overall aim of the RTG is to explore why and when organisms (humans and animals) modify or maintain generalized expectations in the face of adverse evidence. Fourteen doctoral candidates are funded in each cohort (3 years per cohort). The PhD projects include a series of questions related to persistence of or change in expectancies in a variety of research areas (including clinical psychology, educational psychology, social psychology, cognitive psychology and biological psychology). Fourteen Researchers ("Principal Investigators") from Marburg's Department of Psychology, participate in the RTG. More information about the researchers, the research program and the qualification program can be found on this website.

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