
Theorieansätze & Analysefokus

Digitale Transformation im Gesundheitswesen

Tobias Schmidt-Logenthiran, M.Sc.

Facilitating Learning in Corporate Accelerator Programs

Dipl.-Geogr. Peter Süß

Dissertation Topic: Making Sense of Corporate Accelerators: Exploring Exploration in German Corporate Accelerator Programs

  • Associated research applies a tool focused strategy-as-practice perspective on practices enabling incumbents' explorative learning in the context of Corporate Accelerator Programs and connects to current discussions of organizational identity and prospective sensemaking.
  • Currently, the dissertation project focuses on the Intra-Face of a Corporate Accelerator Program and its sponsoring Legacy Company. In particular, a deeper understanding of the observable behavior of the Legacy Company Representatives and their learning processes is an objective of this subproject. Corporate Accelerator Programs create (virtual) socio-material settings in which situational learning can take place and where sensemaking practices constitute the explorative potential of Corporate Accelerator Programs.

The Economic Impact of the Legal and Regulatory Framework on Plant Innovations in Europe

Aylish Dietrich, M.Sc.

Entrepreneurship and Management Skills

Yomna AbouOmar, M.Sc.

  • Corporate venturing, discussing the activities and characteristics of the concept within established companies providing new insights in both the academic and practical field
    • Heterogeneity and the strategic dimension of CV activities
    • Design of integrated accelerator programs and efficient knowledge transfer mechanisms

Organisationale Ambidextrie und Interkulturelles Management

Lucas Müller, M. Sc.

  • Ambidextriestrategien etablierter Organisationen im internationalen Vergleich
    • Einfluss nationaler Kultur auf die Wahl spezieller Ambidextrieformen