PD Dr. Christoph Rühlemann
christoph.ruehlemann@ 1 Wilhelm-Röpke-Straße 635032 Marburg
W|02 Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute
Philipps-Universität Marburg Fremdsprachliche Philologien (Fb10) Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (IAA)Publikationen
Zu den Publikationen im ForschungsinformationssystemPräsentationen
2019. Turn structure, informativity and information climax. Paper accepted for the 40th ICAME conference, June 1–5, 2019, Neuchâtel/Switzerland.
2019. Multimodality - the way forward for corpus pragmatics? Invited keynote address to New Approaches to Irish English (Corpus) Pragmatics, 26-27 April, 2019, University of Dortmund/Germany http://www.iaawiki.tu-dortmund.de/images/Call_for_Papers_Corpuspragmatics.pdf
2019. Turn structure and lexis. Invited webinar for Issues in Applied Linguistics webinar series 2019, University of Limerick, 27 February 2019
2019. 'Turn structure and interjections.' Paper accepted for the 16th IPrA Conference, 9-14 June 2019, Hongkong/China
2018. 'Storyteller's gaze in multi-party storytelling.' Paper read at the 5th International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA), 11th-15th July, 2018, Loughborough/UK (abstract)
2018. ‘Reporting talk: Why are continuers absent from constructed dialog?’ Paper read at the 39th ICAME Conference, 30 May - 3 June 2018, Tampere/Finland
2017. 'Teaching grammar and vocabulary with the British National Corpus. Introduction to BNCweb in the English classroom.' Workshop held at the TEFL Lounge at Ludwig-Maximilians-University, 7 November 2017, Munich/Germany (PDF)
2017. ‘Speech acts and storytelling interaction.’ Paper read at the 15th International Pragmatics Conference, 16-21 July 2017, Belfast, Northern Ireland
2017. 'How long does it take to say 'well'? Durations of words in context in CABNC.' Paper read at the 38th ICAME Conference 24-28 May 2017, Prague,
Czech Republic
2016. 'CA and XML.' Paper read at the 10th CA Day Conference, 19th December, Loughborough University/UK (PDF)
2016. 'Backchannel placement in storytelling.' Paper read at the 37th ICAME Conference 25-29 May 2016, Hong Kong, China
2016. 'Backchannels in storytelling.' Paper read at Helsinki University, 3rd March, 2016
2016. 'From XML to XPath and XQuery.' Workshop in two parts held at Helsinki University, 2nd and 4th March, 2016
2015. ‘Well in TIME magazine: A case study in corpus pragmatics.’ Paper to be read at the 14th International Pragmatics Conference, 26-31 July 2015 , Antwerp, Belgium'
2014. ‘Well, oh, yeah: Colloquialization in TIME magazine.’ Invited lecture [Antrittsvorlesung anläßlich der Verleihung der Privatdozentur], Philipps University, Marburg, 11 June, 2014
2014. ‘Colloquialization in TIME magazine: The case of inserts.’ Paper read at the 35th ICAME conference, 30 April - 4 May 2014, Nottingham, UK
2013. ‘From surface structure to discourse structure: Sequencing of report units in narrative utterances.’ Invited guest lecture at Philipps University, Marburg, June 20, 2013
2013. ‘Conversational narrative as drama: From story climax to utterance climax.’ Paper read at the 34th ICAME conference, May 22-26, 2013, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2011. ‘Conversational narrative as drama: From story climax to utterance climax.’ Invited guest lecture at Saarbrücken University, 21 November 2011.
2011. ‘Introducing collogation analysis.’ Paper read at the 2nd International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE) conference, 17-21 June, Boston, MA.
2010. ‘Textual positioning in conversational narrative.’ Paper read at the 31st ICAME conference, May 26-30, 2010, Giessen, Germany (with Matthew Brook O’Donnell and Andreas Bagoutdinov).
2010. Invited panelist at the panel 'Converging evidence, conflicting evidence, and no evidence at all: On the combination of corpus linguistics with other methods', held at the 31st ICAME conference, May 26-30, 2010, Giessen, Germany.
2010. ‘Conversation, situation, adaptation. Towards a functional understanding of conversational grammar.’ Invited plenary talk at the International Symposium: New Insights into the Study of Conversation. Applications to the Language Classroom, 26-28 May, University of Granada, Spain.
2009. ‘Towards a corpus of conversational narrative.’ Paper read at the 30th ICAME conference, May 27-31, 2009, Lancaster, UK (with Matthew Brook O’Donnell)
2008. ‘Social differentiation in the use of conversational grammar.’ Paper read at the 4th IVACS conference, June 13-14, 2008, Limerick, Ireland
2008. ‘Conversational grammar – female grammar?’ Paper read at the 29th ICAME conference, May 14-18, 2008, Ascona, Switzerland
2007. ‘Ein register approach im mündlichen Unterricht: das Ende von Standard English?’ 22. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF), Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, 3.-6. Oktober 2007
2007. ‘Reconciling corpus evidence and classroom practice: Discourse presentation as a case in point.’ Paper read at the 28th ICAME conference, May 23-26, 2007, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
2006. ‘Teaching conversational grammar: Farewell to Standard English?’ Paper read at the 40th IATEFL Annual Conference, Harrogate, UK, 8-12 April 2005.
2005. ‘Vernacular in the classroom: it don’t matter does it?’ Paper read at the 39th IATEFL Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 5-9 April 2005.
2004. ‘Criterion-referenced co-evaluation of writing.’ Paper read at the 38th IATEFL Annual Conference, Liverpool, UK, 13-17 April 2004.
2003. ‘Facilitating learner responsibility: classroom research into learner and teacher co-evaluation.’ Paper read at the 37th IATEFL Annual Conference, Brighton, UK, 22-26 April 2003.Publikationen
In preparation. Corpus linguistics for multimodality (series 'Corpus Guides', edited by Mike McCarthy and Anne O'Keeffe), Abingdon: Routledge
In preparation. Visual linguistics with R. An introduction to quantitative research in Discourse Analysis. Amsterdam: Benjamins
2018. Corpus linguistics for pragmatics (series 'Corpus Guides', edited by Mike McCarthy and Anne O'Keeffe), Abingdon: Routledge
2013. Narrative in English conversation: A corpus analysis of storytelling. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (post-doctoral thesis)
2007. Conversation in context. A corpus-driven approach. London: Continuum (2nd proofs, click here)
2006. Exploring British conversation in its context of situation. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
2000. The Champions. Sketches with exercises and tests for classes 5-7. Berlin: CornelsenHerausgeberschaft
2015. Corpus pragmatics. A handbook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (with Karin Aijmer)
In preparation. 'Storytelling as an assessment sequence.'
In preparation. 'Constructed dialog, constructed sequence.'
Submitted. 'Speakers advance-project turn completion by slowing down: a multifactorial corpus analysis.' (with Stefan Th. Gries)
In preparation. 'The pragmatics of intonation: Case studies from the SPICE-Ireland Corpus' (with John Kirk)
In preparation. 'Shades of disagreement: the phonetic design of 'well' as a marker of dispreferreds'
In preparation. 'Timing of backchannel responses.' (with Mark Dingemanse)
Submitted. 'What dialog is absent from constructed dialog?'
Forthcoming. 'Alternating gaze in multi-party storytelling.' Journal of Pragmatics (with Matt Gee and Alexander Ptak) (article)
Forthcoming. 'How do speakers and hearers disambiguate multi-functional words? The case of well.' Functions of Language (with Stefan Th. Gries)
2018. 'How long does it take to say 'well'? Evidence from the Audio BNC.' Corpus Pragmatics (article)
2018. 'Corpus linguistics and pragmatics', in Cornelia Ilie and Neal Norrick (eds.) Pragmatics and its interfaces, Pragmatics & Beyond, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 241-266 (with Brian Clancy) (ms)
2018. 'TCU-initial backchannel overlap in storytelling.' Narrative Inquiry 28(2): 257-279 (revised ms)
2017. 'Conversation Analysis and the XML method.' Gesprächsforschung 18:274-296. (with Matt Gee) (article)
2017. 'Integrating corpus-linguistic and conversation-analytic transcription in XML. The case of backchannels and overlap in storytelling interaction.' Corpus Pragmatics 1(3): 201–232. DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41701-017-0018-7
2017. ‘Colloquialization in journalistic writing: Investigating inserts in TIME magazine with a focus on well’, Journal of Historical Pragmatics 18:1 (102-135). doi 10.1075/jhp.18.1.05ruh(with Martin Hilpert) (for the manuscript, click here)
2015. ‘Turn order and turn distribution in multi-party storytelling’, Journal of Pragmatics 87: 171-191 (with Stefan Th. Gries) (article)
2015. 'Modest XPath and XQuery for corpora: Exploiting deep XML annotation', ICAME Journal 39: 47-84 (with Andrej Bagoutdinov & Matthew Brook O'Donnell) (revised ms)
2015. ‘Corpus pragmatics: Laying the foundations’, in Aijmer, K. and C. Rühlemann (eds.) Corpus pragmatics. A handbook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-26 (with Karin Aijmer) (for the manuscript, click here)
2015. ‘Deixis.’ In: Aijmer, K. and C. Rühlemann (eds.) Corpus pragmatics. A handbook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 331-359 (with Matthew B. O’Donnell) (for the proofs, click here)
2013. ‘Windows on the mind: Pauses in conversational narrative’, in Gilquin, Gaëtanelle & De Cock, Sylvie (eds). Errors and disfluencies in spoken corpora [Benjamins Current Topics 52]. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 59-91 (with Andreas Bagoutdinov and Matthew B. O’Donnell) (for the proofs, click here)
2012. ‘Towards a corpus of conversational narrative. Construction and annotation of the Narrative Corpus.’ Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 8(2): 313-350 (with Matthew Brook O’Donnell) (for the proofs, click here)
2012. ‘Conversational grammar.’ In: Carol A. Chapelle (ed.) The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell (for the proofs, click here)
2011. ‘Windows on the mind: Pauses in conversational narrative.’ International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 16(2): 198-232 (with Andreas Bagoutdinov and Matthew B. O’Donnell)
2011. ‘Corpus-based pragmatics II: quantitative studies.’ In Bublitz, W. and N. Norrick (eds.) Handbook of pragmatics. Vol. 1 Foundations of pragmatics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 629-656. (for the proofs, click here)
2010. ‘What can a corpus tell us about pragmatics?’ In: Anne O’Keeffe and Michael McCarthy (eds.) The Routledge handbook of corpus linguistics. London/New York: Routledge , pp. 288-301.
2010. ‘Conversational grammar – feminine grammar? A sociopragmatic corpus study.’ Journal of English Linguistics 38(1): 56–87. (for the offprints, click here)
2009. ‘Discourse presentation in EFL textbooks. A BNC-based study.’ In: Antoinette Renouf and Andrew Kehoe (eds.). Corpus Linguistics. Refinements and reassessments. Amsterdam/New York, NY: Rodopi, pp. 415-435
2008. ‘Corpora and grammar – how much ‘Well, it depends’ can we take?’ ELT Journal 62(1): 86-88 (for the copy-edited version, click here)
2008. ‘Das British National Corpus im Englisch-Unterricht: Wie können Lehrer und Lehrerinnen das BNC nützen?’ (Teil 1) Praxis des Fremdsprachlichen Unterrichts 2(08): 43-47.
2008. ‘Das British National Corpus im Englisch-Unterricht: Wie können Schüler und Schülerinnen das BNC nützen?’ (Teil 2) Praxis des Fremdsprachlichen Unterrichts 3(08): 32-36
2008. ‘Das British National Corpus und der Preliminary English Test.’ Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch 91: 45-47 (for the manuscript, click here)
2008. ‘Conversational grammar–bad grammar? A situation-based description of quotative I goes in the BNC.’ ICAME Journal 32: 157-177 (for the proofs, click here)
2008. ‘Authentic versus standard.’ English Teaching Professional 57: 48-49
2008. ‘A register approach to teaching conversation: Farewell to Standard English?’ Applied Linguistics 29(4): 672-693 (for the proofs, click here)
2007. ‘Lexical grammar: the GET-passive as a case in point.’ ICAME Journal 31: 111-127 (for the proofs, click here)
2006. ‘Coming to terms with conversational grammar: ‘Dislocation’ and ‘dysfluency’.’ International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 11(4): 385-409 (for the offprints, click here)
2006. ‘Writing and rating: two sides of a coin?’ Humanising Language Teaching, <http://www. hltmag.co.uk/mar06/mart04.htm>
2005. ‘Creative Re-writing.’ English Teaching Professional, 41: 47-50
2004. ‘Dossiers – Ein Projekt zu Förderung von Lernerautonomie.‘ Englisch 4(04): 130-137
2004. ‘Criterion-referenced co-evaluation of writing: Investigating rating differences.’ In: Pulverness, A. (ed.). IATEFL 2004 Liverpool Conference Selections, pp. 30-31
2003. ‘Learner autonomy and grading.’ IATEFL Issues 172: 9
2003. ‘Sharing the power: Classroom research into learner and teacher co-evaluation.’ Englisch 4(03): 136-144Korpusressourcen
2015. 'Inaugural Rhetorical Corpus,' available at: https://www.uni-marburg.de/de/fb10/iaa/institut/personen/ruehlemann/xpath_xquery_companion (with Andrej Bagoutdinov)
2015. 'XQuery Examples Resource,' available at: https://www.uni-marburg.de/de/fb10/iaa/institut/personen/ruehlemann/xpath_xquery_companion (with Andrej Bagoutdinov)
2014. Review of: Aijmer, K. (2012). Understanding pragmatic markers. A variational pragmatic approach. Edinburgh. Edinburgh University Press. In: ICAME Journal 38: 165-170
2012. ‘Doing quantitative corpus linguistics R-ight.’ Review of: Gries, S. Th. (2009). Quantitative corpus linguistics with R. A practical introduction. New York/London: Routledge. In: International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 17(3): 287-293
2009. ‘Exploring the BNC jungle with BNCweb.’ Review of: S. Hoffmann, S. Evert, N. Smith, D. Lee, and Y. Berglund-Prytz. (2008). Corpus linguistics with BNCweb – a practical guide. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang. In: International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 14(4): 557-560Unterrichtsmaterial
2008/2014. Mabu and the pirates: An illustrated story book for children learning English. Unpublished manuscript (for the manuscript, click here)
2000. ‘Tea with Lady McNess.’ Hotline (Cornelsen-Magazin für den Englisch-Unterricht an Hauptschulen) Autumn/Winter 2000: 17 (for the sketch, click here)Gutachter- und Kommitteearbeit
2019 External referee for Functions of Language
2019 External referee for International Journal of Corpus Linguistics
2019 External referee for Routledge Applied Corpus Linguistics Series
2018 External referee for Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict.
2017 External referee for Journal of Pragmatics (2x)
2017 Member of the Scientific Committee for the 38th ICAME-Conference, Prague 24th-28th May 2017
2017 External referee for ICAME Journal
2016 External referee for ICAME Journal
2016 External referee for VARIENG
2016 External referee for Cambridge Scholars
2016 External referee for Applied Linguistics
2015 External referee for Journal of Pragmatics
2015 External referee for Language Dynamics and Change
2014 External referee for Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory
2014 Member of the Scientific Committee for the 35th ICAME-Conference, Nottingham/UK, 30 April-04 May,2014
2014 External referee for International Journal of Corpus Linguistics
2012 External referee for International Journal of Corpus Linguistics
2011 External referee for the Cambridge University Press series ‘Studies in English Language’
2011 External referee for Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory
2010 External referee for Journal of Pragmatics
2010 External referee for International Journal of Corpus Linguistics
2010 External referee for Brian Clancy’s doctoral dissertation, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, Ireland
2010 External referee for Continuum
2009 External referee for BAAL Book Prize
2009 External referee for Routledge
2009 External referee for Language Learning
2008 External referee for Applied Linguistics
2007 External referee for International Journal of Corpus Linguistics
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