
Julia König

Julia König is Assistant Professor at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. Her main research interests are Critical Theory; history of sexuality; psychoanalysis; feminist, postcolonial and childhood studies; and qualitative methods and methodology. In her monograph, Kindliche Sexualität. Geschichte, Begriff und Probleme [Children’s sexuality: History, Concept sand Problems] she is looking into historical constellations of the sexual order in relation to the generational order, thereby discussing advantages and shortcomings of the Foucauldian approach and proposing an approach via the primacy of the object instead (Campus 2020). She has furthermore edited several volumes on human rights (2014) children and vulnerability (2015), pedosexuality in the sexual revolution after 1968 (2017), Depth Hermeneutics (2018), and Mass Psychology (2022). She is currently working on a new book project on civilization and vulnerability.