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Research Group Zifonun

Welcome to the Research Group of Sociology for the focus areas of Social Structural Analysis and Conflict Sociology.

Social worlds, when understood as institutionalized spheres of action and perception, form a social level of order in their own right that is positioned between the interactive order and the social system. Research in this department focuses on, among other topics, the empirical analysis of structures of order before courts, in virtual worlds and in amateur soccer. Special attention is paid to the significance of categorizations in everyday social life, with a focus on questions surrounding migration and ethnicity.

The theoretical foundations can be found particularly in the sociology of everyday life and sociology of knowledge. In terms of methodology, the analyses are within the spectrum of interpretative techniques in social research. In terms of teaching, the chair is materially involved in the BA and MA degree programs in Sociology, as well as in the academic program at the Center for Conflict Research.