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Workshop "From peripheral to transsaccadic and foveal perception"

Place: Castle Rauischholzhausen
Date: August 2019, 14th (noon) - 16th (noon)
Organizers: Matteo Valsecchi (University of Gießen) & Alexander Schütz (University of Marburg)
Invited speakers
- Paola Binda (University of Pisa, Italy)
- James Bisley (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
- Fred Hamker (Technical University Chemnitz, Germany)
- Arvid Herwig (University Bielefeld, Germany)
- Zhaoping Li (University of Tübingen; MPI for Biological Cybernetics, Germany)
- Casimir Ludwig (University of Bristol, UK)
- David Melcher (University of Trento, Italy)
- Antje Nuthmann (Kiel University, Germany)
- Martin Rolfs (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany)
- Ruth Rosenholtz (MIT, USA)
- Bilge Sayim (University of Lille, CNRS, France; University of Bern, Switzerland)
- Stefan van der Stigchel (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
- Preeti Verghese (Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, USA)
- Eckart Zimmermann (University Düsseldorf, Germany)
Wednesday, 14th | ||
12:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 | Bilge Sayim | Appearance and Performance in Peripheral Vision |
15:15 | Matteo Valsecchi | Sources of information for the construction of peripheral appearance |
16:00 | Coffee | |
16:30 | Arvid Herwig | Transsaccadic learning and visual feature prediction |
17:15 | Zhaoping Li | The central-peripheral dichotomy in top-down feedback from higher to lower visual cortical areas for visual perception |
18:00 | Dinner | |
19:30 | Posters | |
Thursday, 15th | ||
9:00 | Alexander Schütz | Weighting and integrating peripheral and foveal information |
9:45 | Stefan van der Stigchel | The time-course of spatiotopic updating across saccades |
10:30 | Coffee | |
11:00 | David Melcher | Strong and early effects of a peripheral preview in trans-saccadic face perception |
11:45 | Martin Rolfs | The role of intra-saccadic information in active vision |
12:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 | Paola Binda | Transaccadic integration, perisaccadic compression: building visual space with and without landmarks |
15:15 | Fred Hamker | Neuro-computational models of spatial updating |
16:00 | Coffee | |
16:30 | James Bisley | Remapping, perception and inhibitory tagging: a tale of two areas |
17:15 | Eckart Zimmermann | Context modulates saccade suppression and saccade amplitudes |
18:00 | Dinner | |
19:30 | Posters | |
Friday, 16th | ||
9:00 | Ruth Rosenholtz | Piecing together multiple views to solve a maze |
9:45 | Preeti Verghese | The efficiency of saccades with and without intact central visual fields |
10:30 | Coffee | |
11:00 | Antje Nuthmann | Real-world scene perception and search from foveal to peripheral vision |
11:45 | Casimir Ludwig | The interplay between foveal analysis and peripheral target selection in fixation control |
12:30 | Lunch |

Collaborative research center: Cardinal mechanisms of perception

ERC Starting Grant: Calibration and integration of peripheral and foveal information
Special issue in Journal of Vision
Journal of Vision publishes a special issue on the topic of the workshop. Please find more information on the website of Journal of Vision.