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Welcome to the IAA!

We are you glad you decided for one of our degree programmes and we warmly welcome you to the Department of English and American Studies!
A number of information sessions are held during the Orientation Week before the semester begins (week 41) to help you at the start of your studies. We very much recommend attending these events!
Information session for first-semester students of secondary school (Gymnasien) English Teacher Education
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 09:00h (s.t.) until about 11:00h
Wilhelm-Röpke-Str. 6, Turm D, 1. Stock, Raum 05 (WR 01D05)
Mrs. Kleimann-Trümner
Please also note the schedule for Teacher Education freshers as well as the information provided in the study guidance group on ILIAS.
In this group you will find a group dedicated to freshers starting in the winter semester 23-24. Please join the group which contains all kinds of important information on your course of studies.
The ILIAS groups are also used as a basis for the e-mail distribution list in order to keep you up to data at all times.
Information session for first-semester students of the B.A. American, British, and Canadian Studies
Tuesday, October 08, 2024 at 14:00 (s.t.)
Mrs. Holmes-Rein
An overview with the first steps as a BA ABC fresher can be found here.
Please also mind this checklist for freshers, the sample timetable, as well as the BA ABC website, in particular the pages intended for first-year students and especially if you are not able to attend the info session.
The most important links can ge found here.
Information session for first-semester students of B.A. North American Studies
Monday, October 07, 2024 from 16:00 P.M. till 18:00 P.M.
online (BBB: here)
Prof. Dr. Birkle
IMPORTANT: Please confirm your participation by contacting Prof. Birkle via e-mail beforehand.
An overview with the first steps as a BA ABC fresher can be found here.
Please also mind this checklist for freshers, the sample timetable, as well as the BA NAS website, in particular the pages intended for first-year students and especially if you are not able to attend the info session.
The most important links can ge found here.
Information session for first-semester students of the M.A. in North American Studies
Monday, October 07, 2024 from 10:00 till 12:00
online (the link will be provided via your university student email account)
Prof. Dr. Birkle and Mrs. Gath
Please note that you will receive a welcome pack to your university student email account shortly. Should you have any additional question, please contact Mrs. Gath (
Information session for B.A. in European Literature freshers
The Student Council of Faculty 10 organises additional appointments to go over scheduling. Please see the notice at the entrance to block D. The venue is – unless stated otherwise – always Wilhelm-Röpke Straße, Block D, 8th floor. Please refer to the Student Council of Faculty 10 for more details.
You will find more information on courses under study guidance (Studienberatung) and course and examination regulations (Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen).
Information session for first-semester students in B.A. Language, Discourse and Power
Tuesday, October 8th 2024 from 12:00 till 14:00
WR 01D05
Prof. Dr. Kreyer
If you have any questions about this new and exciting study program please send an e-mail (to). We look forward to welcoming you to the Department of English and American Studies!