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Why Marburg?

Marburg is a quaint, small town with a student-flair. Be it the winding streets, the many pubs and bars, a picnic on the banks of the Lahn or a party in a shared flat – in Marburg you soon feel at home.

Walk in the footsteps of the university’s famous students like Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, Clemens Brentano, Christine Brückner or Jürgen Habermas. Live in the medieval upper town with its many shops and localities. In Marburg, you find countless restaurants, cycling lanes and verdant nature – there is a lot to be discovered in Marburg.

From afar, you already see the castle. Set all around are the Spiegelslustturm, St. Elizabeth’s church, the botanical garden and so much more. The semester ticket opens doors for the person that wants to explore the world beyond. All over Hesse – and a bit yonder – from Warburg to Göttingen over Wiesbaden, Frankfurt or Heidelberg – happily back to Marburg.
Studying in Marburg is a good decision because…

... Marburg is the perfect student city. Quite a few famous names have studied at the world’s oldest protestant university still in existence. The city’s infrastructure is impeccable, as is the typical study lifestyle it has to offer, which is why it is said “other cities have a university, Marburg is a university”.

... you consequently study English with us. English is the language of instruction in lectures, seminars, tutorials and exercises – for teaching staff and students. Improve your competence in English many times over through practice in language courses and by actively using it!

... you can build close relationships to lecturers and have sound individual advice at hand. Our students treasure the special atmosphere maintained at the department. The personal advice and support at the department as well as the short paths between the faculties allow for a flexible and uncomplicated completion of studies in the standard time it takes to obtain a degree. A B.A. in 6 semesters, teacher education in 9 – not a problem!

… we focus on New Media and digitisation. Visualisers as opposed to overhead projectors and SMART Boards in the everyday classroom – with us you can train on modern devices and experience digitisation as well as actively explore it in your projects. In addition to the application, you learn with us to reflectively handle these versatile tools. Addressing your wish to learn interactively also outside of the classroom is a passion of ours.

... With the university’s very rewarding networks, you can study abroad well within the standard period of study. You have direct contact with the English language because the many exchange programmes bring mother tongue speakers to your seminars. We have excellent relationships with partner universities in Europe (Erasmus+) and other parts of the world. Deepen your knowledge of English at other universities. Experience and study cultures first-hand. Your grades studying abroad are of course recognised.

... we offer you support you on the matter of career and choosing a career. The Career-Center advises you on the time after studies – and if you would like to keep on learning, just complete your M.A. in North American studies! With a wide range courses and academic achievements, you gather a diverse range of practical and methodological experiences for your professional life. The opportunity to work in projects, in teams, creating portfolios and analysing databases of text (corpora) will support your academic progress – and naturally hone your written and spoken presentation skills.