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Registration in MARVIN

The first step to formally start a PhD with us is the self-registration in MARVIN.

If you are new to Philipps-Universität, you can easily obtain access data.

  • For further information...

    On the start page of MARVIN, select the "Doktorand/innen" tab. You will be taken to an information page at the end of which you will find a link to register for the system. Confirm the request for access data on the new page with "ok". Now you can enter and submit your data on the next screen. You will then receive an email with your access data. (Tutorial)

If you already have access to MARVIN through your previous studies or employment at Philipps-Universität, you can log in as usual and submit your application.

  • For further information...

    You can access the application form by selecting "Promotion" in the "Studienangebot" menu. There you will be referred directly to the entry form by clicking on "Promotionsantrag stellen". Once you have submitted the application form, it can be processed by the Doctoral Examination Office. (Tutorial)

    You´ll find a guide about the Marvin registration here.

 Important: This application is for statistical purposes only, it does not replace the formal application for acceptance as a doctoral student!

Therefore, please contact the Doctoral Examination Office after submitting your application in MARVIN and submit your application for acceptance as a doctoral student here.