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Funding by Foundations at Philipps-Universität Marburg

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Photo: Colourbox

Additional support for junior scholars is provided by various foundations at Philipps-Universität Marburg.

Universität Marburg Foundation

The Universität Marburg Foundation promotes research and teaching at Philipps-Universität Marburg. It focuses especially on supporting gifted students in need, contributing to printing costs for dissertations that are evaluated to be at least "very good," and supporting scholarly events and junior scholars who hold a doctoral degree. In the event that funding is approved, up to 25 % of these funds may be used for catering and related services. Recipients are required to comply with Philipps-Universität Marburg's Catering Guidelines.

All members of Philipps-Universität Marburg may apply (except for Department 20). Applications should be submitted to the deans of the departments or the boards of directors of the academic centers. These may then forward one application each to the President of Philipps-Universität Marburg.

Please see the current call for applications for further information on the application process, application requirements, decision procedure, documents to be submitted, and application deadlines.


Lorenzo Petri
Dez. V – Haushalt und Materialwirtschaft
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 25769


Wilhelm Hahn and Heirs Foundation

The Wilhelm Hahn and Heirs Foundation provides support for original publications from scholars at the Universities of Marburg and Frankfurt for whom – as set forth in the foundation's constitution – "budgetary and other means are either not or not sufficiently available." Priority is given to funding in the humanities. Funding frequently comprises financial assistance for printing costs (for dissertations), the amount of which is decided by the board of directors. Successful applicants are required to indicate the allowance received from the Wilhelm Hahn and Heirs Foundation by making a corresponding notation in the publication.

In the event that the publication generates revenue, the financial support is to be refunded from the earned revenue. Anthologies and festschriften that are merely a collection of already published writings will not receive funding, nor will study travel, lectures, symposia, and so forth. To date, no habilitation thesis has been funded.

The application must be reviewed by a professor from the field and submitted to the President of Philipps-Universität Marburg, who will then present the application to the Foundation. In addition, a short description of the content of the publication (table of contents, abstract, or a similar description) has to be submitted. If applying for financial assistance for publishing a dissertation, both reviews, or at least that of the primary advisor, should be submitted. Moreover, a list of the publication costs is required, if possible the publisher's cost estimate. It is important to the Foundation that the applicant explains why other financing is not possible.

Please submit the application to

Präsident der Philipps-Universität Marburg
Dez. II A 3
Biegenstraße 10
35037 Marburg

Applications that do not meet the formal requirements will not be submitted to the Foundation.

Please see the current call for applications for more information.


Henrike Schleßmann
R 3 – Hochschulrecht, Kapazitätsverfahren und Prüfungsrecht FBe 20, 21
Betreuung Wilhelm-Hahn-und-Erben-Stiftung
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 22065


Carl and Charlotte Schott Foundation

The Carl and Charlotte Schott Foundation, founded in 2013, awards funds supporting doctoral candidates in the humanities and social sciences and of human geography. In particular, the funding includes a contribution to printing costs for dissertations evaluated to be at least "very good," travel assistance for journeys necessary for preparing a dissertation, financial assistance for the acquisition of literature, and a contribution to copying expenses in archives, if applicable.

Please see the current call for applications for more information and instructions for applying.


Lorenzo Petri
Dez. V – Haushalt und Materialwirtschaft
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 25769


Prof. Dr. Adolf Schmidtmann Foundation

The Prof. Dr. Adolf Schmidtmann Foundation supports junior scholars from Departments 06 and 20. The foundation's funds are devoted specifically to supporting stays abroad (for a minimum period of three months up to a maximum of two years) for the purpose of conducting research on a specific scientific problem, acquiring special skills, or pursuing research in the field of medicine and human biology. They may also be employed to enable junior scholars to attend a scientific conference by covering the conference fees.

To be eligible for the scholarship, the applicant must have German citizenship, have successfully taken the medical examination or completed university studies, and have proven outstanding academic research ability through exceptional results in previous studies and examinations. Members of the Protestant Church are given preference.

Please see the current call for applications for further information.


Lorenzo Petri
Dez. V – Haushalt und Materialwirtschaft
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 25769


Foundation for the Promotion of Research and Teaching at the Department of Medicine of Philipps-Universität Marburg (Medical Foundation)

The purpose of the foundation is to promote research and teaching at the Department of Medicine of Philipps-Universität Marburg, specifically to support gifted students in need, junior scholars, research projects, as well as the hosting of scientific conferences. All members of the Department of Medicine are eligible to apply.

Please see the current call for applications for further information.


Lorenzo Petri
Dez. V – Haushalt und Materialwirtschaft
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 25769


P. E. Kempkes Foundation

The purpose of the foundation is to promote medical research at Philipps-Universität Marburg, specifically in reproductive biology and cancer research. Funding is usually provided for projects that are part of collaborative interdisciplinary networks and serve to establish junior research groups. Eligible for application are members of the Department of Medicine who completed their doctorate no longer than five years ago and have demonstrated the expertise necessary to conduct the project by means of peer-reviewed publications in the respective subject area.

Please see the current call for applications or the webpage of the P. E. Kempkes Foundation for further information.


Lorenzo Petri
Dez. V – Haushalt und Materialwirtschaft
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 25769