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We have been placing increasing emphasis on individual coaching, which we are also happy to provide in the context of your participation in a workshop. Following an initial interview, we will gladly put you in touch with a suitable trainer and provide funding for individual consultation, specifically in regard to the topics of career planning, assessment of applications for third-party funding, communication of academic content, as well as presentations and conference communication. We are working to expand the areas in which coaching is available in order to offer you individual support in mastering the individual challenges that you might face.
Individual coaching is available to all MARA members who are advanced doctoral candidates or hold a doctorate. In a personal interview (see contact below), we will discuss what the objective of this additional support measure shall be. Afterward, you will receive the coach's contact information and will usually be able to make your appointment personally.
Dr. Christine Berger
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Program Coordination Postdoctoral Program
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 21310