
Research and Publications

Current research projects

Selected publications

  • (2024, with Ilona Stahl, Luisa Betancourt Macuase & Myriell Fusser): Multiple Ways of Seeing. Reflections on an Image-Based Q Study on Reconciliation in Colombia. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 25(1). (DOI: 10.17169/fqs-25.1.4092)
  • (2023, with Mariel Reiss): Weltweit auf dem Prüfstand: die Rechte von LSBTIQ*-Personen. Wie die deutsche Politik gefordert ist. TraCe Policy Brief No. 3, 10.12.2023, (DOI: 10.48809/PRIFTraCePB2303)
  • (2022, with Luisa Betancourt, Myriell Fusser & Ilona Stahl): Sentidos compartidos, sentidos controversiales. Un estudio Q sobre la reconciliación en Colombia. (Documento de Trabajo n.º 8). Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz – C­­APAZ. (PDF)
  • (2019): The Struggle for Gendered Peace and LGBT Rights in Colombia, London School of Economics: LSE-GIGA-CCDP Violence, Security, and Peace Working Papers No. 2. (PDF)
    (2019, with Angelika Rettberg): Varieties of reconciliation in violent contexts: lessons from Colombia, in: Peacebuilding 7 (3): 329-352.
  • (2019): The Berlin Memorial to the Homosexuals Persecuted under the National Socialist Regime: Ambivalent responses to homosexual visibility, in: Memory Studies. (PDF)
  • (2018, with Lena Ahrends, Wiebke Arnold, Myriell Fusser, Ornella Gessler, Sonja Jalali, Antonia Jordan, Julian Reiter, Veronika Reuchlein, Leonie Schell): Imaginando la reconciliación. Estudiantes de Bogotá y los múltiples caminos de la historia colombiana, Bogotá: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Ideas Verdes N°9) (PDF).
  • (2017, with Christoph H. Schwarz): Political Temporalities of Youth. Editorial, in: Middle East - Topics & Arguments 9(9):5-13.
  • (2017, with Rosario Figari Layús): Género y evolución de la justicia transicional. El caso de las reparaciones a víctimas de violencia política sexualizada en Argentina, Guatemala, Perú y Colombia, in: Blanke, Svenja/ Kurtenbach, Sabine (eds.): Violencia y desigualdad, Buenos Aires: Nueva Sociedad: 64-78.
  • (2017): Transitional Justice, Recognition, and Authoritative Power, GIGA Working Paper N° 305, Hamburg: GIGA. (PDF)
  • (2017): Scorched Earth Campaigns, Forced Resettlement and Ethnic Engineering: Guatemala in the 1980s, in: Fischer-Tahir, Andrea/ Wagenhofer, Sophie (eds.): Disciplinary Spaces. Spatial Control, Forced Assimilation and Narratives of Progress since the 19th Century, Bielefeld: transcript: 243-264.
  • (2015): Los ejes sociotemporales de la superación del pasado: experiencias alemanas, in: Huber, Ludwig/ Del Pino, Ponciano (Hrsg.): Políticas en justicia transicional: miradas comparativas sobre el legado de la CVR, Lima: IEP: 53-83.
  • (2015): Comparing What to What? Intersecting Methodological Issues in Comparative Area Studies and Transitional Justice Research, in: Middle East - Topics & Arguments, Vol.4: 38-49. (PDF)
  • (2015): The London 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony and its Polyphonous Aftermath, in: Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 39 (3): 244-261. (Abstract)
  • (2013): Justicia transicional y los significados de la elaboración del pasado nicaragüense, in: Encuentro, N°95: 7-27. (PDF)
  • (2013, with Thorsten Bonacker & Christoph Safferling): Valorising Victims' Ambivalences in Contemporary Trends in Transitional Justice, in: Bonacker, Thorsten/ Safferling, Christoph (eds.): Victims of International Crimes: An Interdisciplinary Discourse, The Hague: Asser Press/ Springer: 279-296.
  • (2011): The Central American Fear of Youth, in: International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 5(2): 261-276. (PDF)
  • (2009, with Sebastian Huhn & Peter Peetz): Contemporary Discourses on Violence in Central American Newspapers, in: The International Communication Gazette, 71(4): 243-261. (Abstract, PDF
  • (2008, with Sebastian Huhn & Peter Peetz): Discursos cotidianos de inseguridad, in: dies. (Hrsg): Imaginaciones y Percepciones. Si estudiantes de Costa Rica, El Salvador y Nicaragua fueran presidentes…, Cuaderno de Investigación No. 24, Colección Humanidades, Managua 2008: UCA publicaciones, S. 7-20 und S. 153-170.
  • (2008): Guatemala. The State of Research, in: Jacques Sémelin (ed.): Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence. (PDF)
  • (2008): Do Qualitative Data Help in Addressing Central American Violence? Research Note on Data Collection, GIGA Working Paper No 76, May 2008, Hamburg: GIGA. (PDF
  • (2007, with Sebastian Huhn and Peter Peetz) : La construcción de realidades inseguras. Reflexiones acerca de la violencia en Centroamérica, in: Revista de Ciencias Sociales Nr.117-118, S.73-89. (PDF
  • (2006): Encounters with History. Dealing with the Present Past in Guatemala, in: European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, October 2006, S.3-19. (PDF