
Transnational Feminist Dialogue: Situated Reflections and Relationalities

Studium Generale und interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung: "Feminismen im Dialog"


09. Juni 2021 20:00 – 09. Juni 2021 22:00
Termin herunterladen (.ics)

Livestream über WebEx

Link zum Livestream: https://uni-marburg.webex.com/uni-marburg/j.php?MTID=ma9ca49f26f1c61fe6362af31c8da2c9b
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Eine Mini-Version des Ringvorlesungsplakates zeigt nochmals Titel und Referent:innen der heutigen Sitzung

"Transnational Feminism" is an important thematic focus of Gender Studies. How feminists can connect and cooperate transnationally has always been a difficult question to answer. Although feminist historiography often emphasizes its Western emergence, feminisms from the African continent, the Asian region, and the Americas have demonstrated the value of situated knowledges for productive engagements. The session on June 9 is dedicated to the opportunities, potentials and limitations afforded by transnational feminisms.

Dr. Céline Barry, Prof. Dr. Alica Decker and Dr. Christine Vogt-William will discuss the current significance of transnational feminism with a view to locating its current relevance in generating visions for 21st century invested in a greater consciousness of justice.


Alicia C. Decker is an associate professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and African Studies at the Pennsylvania State University, where she co-directs the African Feminist Initiative with Maha Marouan and Gabeba Baderoon. She is the author of In Idi Amin's Shadow: Women, Gender, and Militarism in Uganda (2014), and co-author with Andrea Arrington-Sirois of Africanizing Democracies: 1980-Present (2015). She is also the co-editor of several projects, including "African Feminisms: Cartographies for the 21st Century," a special issue of Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism (2018) and the Oxford Encyclopedia of African Women's History (forthcoming). With Giacomo Macola, she co-edits a book series on War and Militarism in African History (Ohio University Press) and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of African Military History. Her scholarly articles have appeared in the International Journal of African Historical Studies, Women's History Review, Journal of Eastern African Studies, History Teacher, Afriche e Orienti, Feminist Studies, Journal of African Military History, and Meridians, as well as various edited book collections. Decker is currenting working on a new book that explores the gendered legacies of militarism in Uganda after the collapse of Amin's military state.

Die Programmübersicht des Studium Generale/der Ringvorlesung finden Sie hier: Überblick Programm Studium Generale

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Prof. Dr. Alicia Decker (Penn State University, African Studies)
Dr. Christine Vogt-William (Universität Bayreuth, AfricaMultiple, Cluster of Excellence)
Dr. Céline Barry (Technische Universität Berlin, ZIFG)


Zentrum für Gender Studies und feministische Zukunftsforschung