SAVE THE DATE: Gender Lecture mit Angela McRobbie
03. Dezember 2020 18:00 – 03. Dezember 2020 20:00
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Online Lecture
Gender Lecture 2020
ANGELA MCROBBIE: Feminism and Neoliberalism - Young Women´s Lives in Times of Social Polarisation.

This lecture extends the arguments first presented in The Aftermath of Feminism (2008) in German Top Girls (2010) by a) re-investigating the terrain of post-feminism through the lens of political and popular culture and interrogating its more substantially anti-feminist agenda as feminist (black and white) and anti-racist gains were systematically undone: b) reflecting on the consequences of this we then consider the tropes of ‘neoliberal leadership feminism’ which has emerged as a modernising thread within the resurgent patriarchalism of the current authoritarian polity. One trope for consideration is the consolidation of normative maternity, the mother as the new ‘angel in the house’: c) then, in response to new more radical forms of feminist activisms attention is paid to the biopolitical managerial response mediated through consumer culture in the guise of a therapeutic discourse of ‘perfect-imperfect-resilience’: d) if ‘resilience’ is a toolkit for the gendered bodily pathologies of the logic of self-auditing competition, anti-welfarism remains the key instrument for the disciplining of socially disadvantaged women, and in this final part of the lecture we consider the racialised scripts of poverty shaming and the meaning of ‘contraceptive employment’.
Donnerstag, 03. Dezember 2020
18:00-20:00 Uhr
Online Lecture:
Angela McRobbie
Zentrum für Gender Studies und feministische Zukunftsforschung