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Former members

Dr. Thorsten Arendt
Post-doc in the collaborative research center SFB/TRR 135: "Cardinal mechanisms of perception.", project: "NeurOscientific Workflow Assistance (NOWA)".

Current position: HRZ Uni Marburg

Tamara Cook
Research associate in the collaborative research center SFB/TRR 135: "Cardinal mechanisms of perception.", project: "NeurOscientific Workflow Assistance (NOWA)".

Alejandro Hernán Gloriani, PhD
Post-doc in the ERC Starting Grant "PERFORM" - "Calibration and integration of peripheral and foveal information in human vision"

Current position: Developer, Viewpointsystem GmbH (Vienna)

Dr. Nedim Göktepe
Doctoral candidate in IRTG 1901 "The brain in action"

Current position: Post-doc in the lab of  Prof. Dr. Knut Drewing (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)

Byung-Woo Hwang, M. A.
Doctoral candidate

Dr. Carolin Hübner
Research associate & doctoral candidate in the ERC Starting Grant "Calibration and integration of peripheral and foveal information in human vision"

Current position: Post-doc, TU Chemnitz

Adela SY Park, PhD
Post-doc in the ERC Starting Grant "Calibration and integration of peripheral and foveal information in human vision"

Current position: Post-doc at the Centre for Eye and Vision Research (Hong Kong)

Emma E. M. Stewart, PhD
Post-doc in the ERC Starting Grant "Calibration and integration of peripheral and foveal information in human vision"

Current position: Lecturer, Queen Mary University of Londond

Dr. Ilja Wagner
Research associate & doctoral candidate in the collaborative research center SFB/TRR 135: "Cardinal mechanisms of perception.", project: "Control of eye movements by informational value"

Current position: Post-doc in the lab of Prof. Dr. Karl Gegenfurtner (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)

Dr. Christian Wolf
Post-doc in the collaborative research center SFB/TRR 135: "Cardinal mechanisms of perception.", project: "Control of eye movements by informational value"

Current position: Post-doc in the lab of Prof. Dr. Markus Lappe (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)