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Learning Center ('Lernzentrum')

You will find the learning centre in room 03A01 in block A of level 3 in our multi-purpose building on the Lahnberge campus site: through the main entrance, left (up the stairs), left again (past the elevator) and then immediately the first door, see floor plan Kernel A3. In addition to the PC pools, numerous seating areas and the library, it offers you another place to learn on the Lahnberge. The target group of the learning centre are students who want to work on exercises alone or together in a small group or want to exchange ideas with other students on topics of the lectures. In principle, the room is always open.
On weekdays during the lecture period, student assistants are usually available between 14:00 and 18:00 hours. The reference collection is also open at these times to give students direct access to important literature, old exams and, if necessary, exercises. You will find the current hours of supervision on a notice board at the door and on the Ilias page of the Learning Centre. These can be found in the magazine directly under "Fb.12: Mathematik und Informatik". If you are registered in the learning platform Ilias, you can also follow this link.
At present, we have deliberately avoided PCs in the learning centre, but students can take notebooks with them to the learning centre at any time (WiFi is available). It is also possible for student assistants, staff and professors to offer their consultation hours in the learning centre. We hope that with the learning centre we have created an offer for students that contributes to the success of their studies and promotes exchange among all in the department.
For questions about the Learning Center please contact Dr. Andreas Lochmann.