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Parent-Child Room

Since the beginning of September 2016 there has been a parent-child room in the Mehrzweckgebäude. This is located on level 4 near the entrance to the library, in room 04A27 (former robot laboratory).
The room is quite large, it is equipped with a desk, computer and WLAN for working. If necessary even two people can work in it at the same time. For children there is a playpen (please bring your own additional mat), lots of toys & picture books, a bottle warmer, a babyphone, a small blackboard for painting (a must-have at a mathematics department...) and a small table with chairs.
There is also a large sofa in the room where you can sit comfortably with a child, but which can also be used in case of illness. There is a first aid kit in the library. Changing facilities can be found in both the men's and women's toilets on D4.

The key to the parent-child room can be obtained from the library supervisor (Mrs. Krämer, 04D11, Phone 25457). There you will also find a loan book where you can document the use of the rooms. The best way to contact the library staff by email is at the address
We hope that the room will be a support and help for the young parents of the department. We are always grateful for comments and suggestions regarding this new offer.
Marburg, 28.9.2016
Prof. Dr. habil. Ilka Agricola, Dean FB 12
Dr. Dorothea Strauer, Women's Representative FB 12
Katharina Zwingmann, scientific Employee FB 12