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Study Composition

The following table provides an overview of the modules to be completed during the course of study according to their content allocation to study areas. The compulsory elective modules in computer science and mathematics offer the possibility to be composed based on individual interests. Optionally, a focus in an application area can be set.

Further information on the areas of study and the modules that can be selected there can be found in the examination regulations. A particularly clear presentation of each individual field of study can also be found in the online module guide, which may also contain restrictions on the choice of compulsory elective modules.

Table: Study Composition (please click for a larger representation)

Abbildung: tabellarische Darstellung des Studienaufbaus des Masterstudiengangs Data Science. Eine vollständige Darstellung des Studienaufbaus im Textformat ist im Online-Modulhandbuch enthalten (siehe Link im Text über der Abbildung).