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Are you interested in the M.Sc. Business Informatics program and wondering what you can do with the degree? Or you are already close to graduation and wonder what now? Below you will find information about career prospects.

  • Qualifications

    The master's degree program in Business Informatics prepares you for future work in the field of Business Informatics, computer science and business administration in science and industry. The degree program serves to deepen and specialize the previous Bachelor's program.

    Project Work

    Through the project-oriented structure of the program, you will learn to work on difficult issues both independently and scientifically as part of a team. You will be able to plan larger projects over a longer period of time and complete them on time. You will then be able to present your results in a professional manner and adapted to your target group. The starting point of a business informatics specialist is to use computer science methods effectively and efficiently in the context of complex business applications.

    Key Qualifications

    In addition, you will learn how to assess yourself: How well can you work under time pressure and organize yourself? What are your strengths, what are your weaknesses? These insights will help you and your future employers or business partners. As a student of the Business Informatics program, you will be guided to teamwork and independent learning in the various internships and exercises, which will increasingly promote social and communication skills.

  • Fields of Activity

    Exzellent Career Prospects

    The fields of activity for business informatics specialists are wide-ranging. They can be found in practically all areas of industry, business, administration and science. Whether it's a job in the field of IT management, software development, management consulting, the insurance industry or in a research institute – the career prospects are excellent! A successfully completed master's degree in the field of business informatics qualifies you

    • to work independently as a business informatics specialist in industry and business, especially at banks, insurance companies and consulting firms,
    • to lead projects involving analyzing, modelling and solving scientific or economic problems,
    • for planning, development and research tasks in scientific and public institutions,
    • to work as a research assistant or employee at a university,
    • to access a doctorate.
  • Doctorate

    In your master's degree program, you have learned to work scientifically on your own. In addition, you have acquired in-depth expertise in a special field of computer science or business administration. If you are interested in working on long-term issues (such as your master's thesis), you can further deepen your knowledge and skills with us through subsequent doctoral studies and work on a current research problem.

    If you are interested in a doctorate, please contact the professor whose field interests you the most. This can be the area of your master thesis, but of course also any other area of business informatics, computer science or economic sciences if you have sufficient expertise.

    For more information about a doctorate at our department, please see the german page called Promotion und Habilitation.
