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Working Group 31 Interpretive Video Analysis (formerly Body and Movement – Qualitative Approaches) (2015–)

Video recordings of social interactions are becoming a data source of increasing significance for qualitative-reconstructive research. In recent years, this has resulted in numerous proposals for a methodically controlled approach. By registering and conserving aspects of interaction such as simultaneity, sequentiality, physicality, spatiality, and performativity in the form of audiovisual material and analyzing it in microscopic detail, we can now focus on these aspects and their interplay.

In working with audiovisual material, joint data sessions for analytical practice and the reflection thereupon are of special importance, as became apparent once again during an interdisciplinary workshop that took place as part of the "UMR vernetzt" series in 2019. In the wake of this workshop, the working group has been meeting biweekly for joint data sessions. We are further planning to both invite guests to speak on the topic and organize additional workshops.

The group was formerly called "Body and Movement – Qualitative Approaches". We are still interested in this subject but will now focus on video analysis. Participants so far are doctoral candidates from sociology, linguistics, and educational science/sports education. Interested participants from all disciplines are welcome.


Thursday afternoons, biweekly


Eva Maria Gauß and