01.06.2023 MACIE EU Taxonomy Report 2023

June 1st, 2023
MACIE EU Taxonomy Report 2023
Since 2022, European firms that fall within the scope of the NFRD/CSRD must report about the conformity of their economic activities with the EU Taxonomy. The MACIE EU Taxonomy Report provides first insights from the 2023 reporting season.
Examining firms listed in the EURO STOXX 50, the report assesses the current state of ‘greenness’ of the very largest listed European companies according to the EU Taxonomy. Among others, it provides evidence regarding the following questions:
- How ‘green’ are the business models of the very largest European listed companies according to the EU Taxonomy?
- What is the level of taxonomy-eligibility and -alignment of EURO STOXX 50 firms and their business models measured by the three climate-relevant KPIs of the EU Taxonomy?
- How do the firms/ industries differ with regards to their taxonomy-eligibility and -alignment?
The MACIE EU Taxonomy Report is available on SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4465530
Many thanks to Melina Roser for a great collaboration.