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Exams and Grading

Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Pocket Calculators
Please note that we only permit the use of non-programmable pocket calculators during our exams. The guidelines students have to meet are the official guidelines provided by the examination office: "Calculators are only allowed for use in exams, when they are non-programmable, that means that it is not possible to store texts or formulas." Your pocket calculator is not approved for use in exams if it is able to store any parts of the teaching materials or any information from other sources outside the calculator itself. Additionally, it should not be able to solve (linear) systems of equations. The guidelines from the examination office can be found here [in German only].
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Review of Examinations
We organize opportunities for students to review their exams. A single review date will be announced on the research group webpage. If you are interested in reviewing a recent exam, email the contact person listed in the review announcement with your name and matriculation number to express interest in attending the appointment. After sending your request, you will be sent a time proposal to meet on the specific review date. It is explicitly forbidden to bring pencils, notes, or electronic devices to the examination review session.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Our Grading History
Are you among our top students?
This page contains historical grading for BSc. and MSc. lectures offered by The MARG since 2011 (since Professor Marc Steffen Rapp became the head of the chair). It can be used for ranking within a peer group which passed an exam in a particular university program.