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Letter of Recommendation

Below you can find information on our policy regarding the issuing of "letters of recommendation".
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Prerequisites
We issue letters of recommendation only a) if it is a mandatory requirement of an institution or organisation, b) for students who have shown above-average academic performance, and c) for students who have completed at least one course* at the Management Accounting Research Group.
*For master students in their first semester who did not attend a course at our research group during their Bachelor's degree, we cannot issue an informed opinion. Please contact a lecturer from your Bachelor's program for a letter of recommendation.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Application
If you fulfill the requirements mentioned above, please email your request to us at least 10 working days before the closing date together with the following documents as PDF files(!):
- List of successfully attended lectures, seminars, or other courses from the MARG, including the staff of the research group who carried them out
- Your current Transcript of Records attached to the e-mail
- Your current CV attached to the e-mail
- If relevant: motivation letter for application
- Since many programs require a specifically structured letter of recommendation, please attach the official PDF document template (if available)