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Overview of Modules

The following table provides an overview and description of the Bachelor modules offered by The MARG.

Modul ECTS Assessment* Language
Management Accounting 6 Exam (60 min) English
Controlling mit Kennzahlen 6 Exam (60 min) German
Seminar Management Accounting (PO2018) // Seminar Accounting and Finance (PO2012) 6 Presentation + Term Paper


Schlüsselqualifikationen 6 Assignment


Undergraduate (Research) Project/Projektphase Accounting and Finance 12 Presentation + Term Paper


* Note the grading method refers to the standard process. The relevant examination regulation governing your study may require other forms of assessment.

Planned Schedule of Lectures & Seminars

The following table provides an overview of availability of the Bachelor lectures and seminars offered by The MARG. For more information please click on the lecture or seminar in which you are interested.

Lectures & Seminars Modul SoSe 2024 WiSE 2024/2025 SOSE 2025
Management Accounting Management Accounting
Controlling mit Kennzahlen Controlling mit Kennzahlen
Executive Compensation
Seminar Management Accounting (PO2018) // Seminar Accounting and Finance (PO2012)
Seminar Value Based Management Seminar Management Accounting (PO2018) // Seminar Accounting and Finance (PO2012)
Management Accounting with Excel Schlüsselqualifikationen tbd
Projektphase Undergraduate (Research) Project Accounting and Finance