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Controlling (Management Accounting) with Excel
[Course language: English]
The Management Accounting Research Group offers a practical introduction to Microsoft Excel in a Management Accounting setting.
The course is open for bachelor- and master students.
The course evaluation will be based on student project. It is creditable as 3 ECTS “Schlüsselqualifikation” (ungraded key qualification).
Alternatively, the course can be grouped together with the workshop "Planspiel Unternehmensbewertung" of the Finance and Banking research group of Professor Nietert for a 6ECTS elective credit. The workshop is guest lectured by PWC. In such a case, the module grade is determined by student performance in the project of Controlling with Excel.
Objective and course style:
The course aims at familiarizing students with Microsoft Excel as a useful tool for management accounting applications. After a detailed overview of basic Excel functions as well as its fundamental formulas, students will learn to apply them to real world management accounting problems. Students will learn to model a basic profit & loss statement, cash flow statement and balance sheet for the business. Furthermore, for future planning, univariate regression analysis and further advanced techniques are implemented. The results of these forecasts are then used to prepare a reporting summary for an executive.
Registration and Schedule:
The deadline for registration is set to November 10th.
Kickoff Time: October 19th, 12-2 p.m. at room +3/0210 (321, Schulungsraum Jura, Universitätsstraße 7, Landgrafenhaus)
Please note:
The number of participants is limited to 25 – first come first serve principle! Please register in MARVIN!
Excel files used in the class can be downloaded as the course progresses from ILIAS.