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Foto: Heike Heuser

The University Library is responsible for providing Philipps-University Marburg with a comprehensive range of services, including the management of media holdings at several locations.
The construction of the new University Library building made it possible in 2018 to transfer the holdings of several Branch Libraries in the humanities and social sciences to the University Library.

At present, the library system comprises the University Library on Campus Firmanei as well as 10 other Branch Libraries with specialist holdings relating to a particular subject.
The cooperation between the University Library and the faculties in these Branch Libraries is regulated on a contractual basis between these institutions.

The Branch Libraries "Natural science" as well as the Central Medical Library are located on the Lahnberge ("Lahn Hills") while the University Library is to be found in the Lahntal ("Lahn Valley") along with the following Branch Libraries: Psychology, Law, Economics, Protestant Theology, Religious Studies, Art and Cultural Studies, Geography, History of Pharmacy, History of Medicine, as well as the library of the German Language Atlas Research Center.