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Dissertations & Final Theses

Please submit the printed deposit copies of your dissertation by post to the address given below. A personal handing over is only possible after prior appointment.
Universitätsbibliothek Marburg
Dissertations- und Tauschstelle
Deutschhausstr. 9
35037 Marburg
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Submission of Deposit Copies of Dissertations to the University Library
Marburg University Library complies with the applicable regulations as set out in the Doctoral Degree Regulations (Promotionsordnungen) of the faculties.
Current doctoral degree regulations of the Philipps-University Marburg
In addition to the copies to be submitted, you must complete and submit the following form:
Certificate for submission of mandatory deposit copies
The deposit copies of the dissertation can be submitted either
- as a book published with a commercial publisher,
- as an e-book published on the institutional repository of Marburg University Library,
- as a self-published photo print, or
- as a cumulative dissertation in academic journals (or also on the institutional repository, or only the unpublished part of your dissertation as a partial publication).
The number of copies to be submitted depends on the format and can be found in the table.
Please, be aware, that even if you publish fully electronically, a certain number of printed deposit copies is necessary. In case the full dissertation is published at our institutional repository, the number of printed deposit copies is reduced to two.
Submission of Dissertations in Microfiche Format
In addition to the copies to be submitted, you must complete and submit the following form:
Certificate for submission of mandatory deposit copies
The number of copies to be submitted can be found in the table.
For all other subject areas, submission in microfiche format is not provided.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Checklist for electronic publication
All doctoral candidates at Philipps-Universität Marburg can also submit their dissertations to the University Library (UB) in electronic form so that they can be stored on the institutional repository freely accessible worldwide, with guaranteed long-term availability and persistent identifier. In this case, the number of printed deposit copies is reduced to two.
Please follow the instructions on the checklist.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Cumulative dissertations
In the case of a cumulative dissertation, the publication obligation is already fulfilled by the publication of the individual (journal) articles. However, four printed deposit copies must be submitted to the University Library.
In addition, the University Library offers free publication of your cumulative dissertation on the publication server, if possible. You can either publish the complete dissertation on the publication server, in which case the number of printed deposit copies is reduced to two, or you can publish only the unpublished part of your dissertation (partial publication). The version of the cumulative dissertation uploaded onto the university publication server should contain title page, table of contents, introduction etc. and, where applicable, conclusions, further research questions, and summaries, as well as bibliography of the texts already published (including, where appropriate, links to the full texts).
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Find older dissertations
Dissertations have been collected in the Marburg University Library since the founding of Philipps University in 1527. The oldest date back to the 16th century.
The Marburg dissertations collection is listed in the scan catalogues of the Marburg old collection until 1986 and is successively catalogued for KatalogPlus. All dissertations from 1987 onwards are listed in KatalogPlus. It is therefore recommended that you always search in KatalogPlus first and then in the scan catalogues if necessary.
Tel.: +49 6421 28-25187