
Bookmarklet for EZproxy

If you have accessed an electronic resource directly, i.e. not after searching our catalogs, the content is loaded without EZproxy and is therefore usually not accessible outside the university network. In this case, you can use our bookmarklet to reload the page with EZproxy and access the content.

This is how it works

  1. (One time:) Add the following link to your browser bookmarks/favorites. To do this, you can either right-click on the link and select "Add Bookmark" or similar from the context menu, or simply drag and drop the link to your browser bookmarks/favorites bar.

    Open with EZproxy

  2. Access the external content in your browser as usual.
  3. Click on the bookmarklet link in your browser.
  4. The content will now be loaded via EZproxy and will be accessible to you after you log in with your university account (students/staff) as usual.