Trauer um Amnon Orbach Die Islamwissenschaft trauert um Amnon Orbach, Gründer der jüdischen Gemeinde Marburg, Ehrenbürger der Stadt Marburg, langjähriger Freund und Kooperationspartner
Neuerscheinung: Mobility Dynamics between Eastern Europe and the Near East Exploring a Cross-Regional Shared History
ENIS Spring School ’24 – Lausanne Highlights der Tagung vom 4.-7. Juni in der Schweiz
Gender Equality in the Bottleneck: What to Expect from the Changes to the Moroccan Family Code? Rana Magdy (PhD Candidate) has published a new article with the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung (FNF)
Marburg University's Exciting Interdisciplinary Project Receives Funding for Scientific Collaboration New Interdisciplinary project of Marburg University with the universities of Ayn Shams (Cairo), University of Alexandria and the American University of Beirut receives funding in the DAAD Ta’ziz programme - Scientific collaboration.
International Conference "Anti-Feminism and anti-gender politics in authoritarian regimes" The Role of the State, Religion, and Feminist Counter-Strategies in the Near and Middle East and Eastern Europe
“Türkei unzensiert” – Die Jahrhundertwahl
40 Jahre Mediävistenverband
EGYLandscape Project's webGIS is now online!
New Issue of Mamlūk Studies Review (XXV [2022]) now Available for Download
CNMS at Opening of Digitization Lab and signing of bi-national Master Digital Epigraphic Heritage (DEPH) at Ayn Shams University, February 2023 A delegation of the DAAD project “Cultural Heritage in Cyberspace” headed by the Center of the Near and Middle Eastern Studies at Marburg University visited its Egyptian project partner, the faculty of Archaeology at Ayn Shams University, from the 10th of February to the 14th of February. The event represented the end of two successful years of an Egyptian-German project.
5 years of University- and 50 years of city partnership between Marburg and Sfax
Cultural Heritage in Cyberspace: Education, Preservation, and Access Call for Interns
Call for Applications- From Paper to Portals: The Conservation and Digitization of Oriental Manuscripts International Summer School 2022
Cultural Heritage in Cyberspace Continues Its Activities with a Successful Kickoff Conference and A Training Session in Cairo Through the five-day Cornerstones' stakeholders and experts’ meetings at the premises of our partners in Egypt, individual contacts between the project's participating German and Egyptian institutes were consolidated. The conference's program endeavored to accommodate the academic and the infrastructural aspects by splitting the days of the event into two sessions; the first half of each day involved keynote lectures on the current issues related to cultural heritage in cyberspace, projects of relevance, and up-to-the-moment trends in the concerned fields. Moreover, during the second session, participants formed working groups to determine concrete academic and actual digitization endeavors.
“Rethinking Memory and Historiography of the Crusades in the Middle East”
Program “Rethinking Memory and Historiography of the Crusades in the Middle East”
New Publications Under Transottomanica
New Publication: "Families, Authority, and the Transmission of Knowledge in the Early Modern Middle East" The final publication of the French-ANR Dyntran-project has just been published: C. U. Werner, M. Szuppe, N. Michel, A. Fuess (eds.), Families, Authority, and the Transmission of Knowledge in the Early Modern Middle East, Turnhout: Brepols 2021
ENIS/NISIS-MIDA Spring School Indonesia 2022 "Mobility and Mobilisation in Muslim Societies" ENIS/NISIS-MIDA Spring School Indonesia 2022 "Mobility and Mobilisation in Muslim Societies" 21-27 March 2022
Transottomonica Flyer Info about project
Transottomonica Flyer overview
Transottomanica Conference "Translation und Transfer" October 6-8, 2021, Marburg TRANSOTTOMANICA is a priority program (Schwerpunktprogramm) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Call for Papers for the Eight Conference fo the School of Mamluk Studies We are pleased to announce the Eighth Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies, which will take place at the Philipps-Universität Marburg.
Call for Papers for the International Conference of the DFG Research Project "Media Asthetics of Occidentalism"
Turkish Secularism and Prospects for Women’s Movement in Turkey
2nd Webinar ASRT CNR_Final Programme_16.05.2021.pdf
2nd Webinar ASRT CNR_Final Programme_16.05.2021.pdf
Webinar "Art, Culture and Trade as Evidence of Bonds Between East and West (11-21 Century)" on 2nd Webinar ASRT / CNR Bilateral Project (28th-29th May 2021)
New publication: “Between the Downfall of Edessa and the Capture of Damietta: How the Glamour of Pester John Legend influenced the Crusader-Muslim Conflict (539–618 AH/1144–1221 AD),” Article published in "Legacies of the Crusades - Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East", Odense, 27 June – 1 July 2016. Volume 1 T. K. Nielsen, K. Villads Jensen (eds.)
Cultural Heritage in Cyberspace Wins the DAAD’s long-term Support under the German-Egyptian Progress Partnership.
Hala Ghoneim one of Egypt's Most Inspirational Women Hala Ghoneim receives award as one of Egypt's most inspirational women
Online Workshop "Cultural Heritage in Cyberspace: Preservation, Education, and Access" Phase III- Event 1: Online Workshop Theme: Digitization Phases, Techniques and Software. Wednesday, December 2, 2020. 09.00-17.30
Dr. Pierre Hecker erhält Frauenförderpreis 2020 Universität Marburg vergibt Frauenförderpreis 2020 an Prof. Dr. Katja Becker, Prof. Dr. Dominik Heider und Dr. Pierre Hecker
China‘s Muslims. the Dragon‘s Headache a book by Hala Ghoname The material culture of Muslim ethnic groups as a means for tracing the history of Islamic existence in China
The Web of Hate: Presentation by Zeynep Aydin for the ENIS/MIDA Online Summer School 2020
"How more than 2500 Arabic Manuscripts ended up in the German province". Lecture by Albrecht Fuess for the Séminaire Qira'ât
EGYLandscape Project Website relaunches
Marburg ITN MIDA workshop on "Social Media Analysis”
Online ENIS/MIDA Summer School 2020 on 'Contesting Authority: Knowledge, Power and Expressions of Selfhood'
Lecture on the collection of Arabic manuscripts in Germany
صباح الخير يا مصر _ هالة غنيم ودورها في مشروع التراث الثقافي في العالم الرقمي...mp4
'Egyptian Cultural Heritage in Cyberspace' Hala Ghoname, doctoral candidate at CNMS, gives interview on Egyptian national television on her article published by women empowerment initiative 'Women of Egypt'
Second Workshop Program.pdf
Second Workshop EGYLandscape
Second Workshop Program.pdf
Reisen oder Studium? Ganz einfach! Reisen im Studium! Wir, die Master Studierenden der Islamwissenschaft und der Nah- und Mitteloststudien am Marburger CNMS (Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies) kombinieren die zwei unentbehrlichen Wege der Bildung und reisen mit Unterstützung der Universität in der Reading-Week vom 17.11.2019 bis zum 24.11.2019 im Rahmen einer Exkursion nach Kairo.
Tell me a history. Erzähl mir eine Geschichte - Empfehlung für einen spannenden Wissenschaftspodcast von Nadja Danilenko In diesem Podcast spricht die Islamwissenschaftlerin Nadja Danilenko in jeder Sendung mit einem/r Wissenschaftler/in darüber, woher wir eigentlich wissen, was passiert ist und wer was gesagt hat, aber auch wie darüber gesprochen wird.
Islam im Hip Hop. Sendung im WDR 5 mit Prof. Fuess
A new book by our colleague Hala Ghoname The book focuses on the material culture of Muslim ethnic groups as a means for tracing the history of Islamic existence in China.
Vortrag von Albrecht Fuess zum Verhältnis Venezianer und Mamluken an der Azhar Universität, 13.02.2020
Call ENIS Springschool
Islamic Studies Spring School in Catania, 2nd - 8th of March 2020 European Network for Islamic Studies (ENIS) organizes Spring School in Catania (Sicily) on "Contesting authority: knowledge, power and expressions of selfhood" together with the Innovative Training Network “Mediating Islam in the Digital Age” (MIDA)
EGYLandscape: New ANR-DFG Funded Project (2019-2023) The EGYLandscape project explores the landscapes of Egypt during the Mamluk and Ottoman periods (13th-18th centuries).
“Cultural Heritage In Cyberspace”: A DAAD-Funded Project That Brought An Egyptian Delegation To Germany In Cooperation With The CNMS The project “Cultural Heritage in Cyberspace” is sponsored by the DAAD’s German-Egyptian Progress Partnership program. The idea behind it evolved in early 2018, based on a continuous communication with Egyptian academic institutions and scholars that dates back to the early nineties. Several visits carried out by the CNMS-Islamic studies’ scholars have allowed a better understanding of the essential academic needs of the institutes in Egypt and the conceivable methods German universities and research centers can offer to mutually benefit from cooperation in future academic-projects. The same counts for an exchange of expertise from the Egyptian to the German side as there is already, besides the vast existence of manuscripts, an experienced know how in Egypt to deal with cultural heritage in order to make it vital for the future.
Welcoming Session.pdf
Project for the DAAD German-Egyptian Progression Partnership Cultural Heritage in Cyberspace: Preservation, Education and Access The Islamic Studies Department cordially invites you to attend the upcoming events under the project “ Cultural Heritage in Cyberspace”, sponsored by the DAAD German-Egyptian Progression Partnership.
Call for position : Innovative Training Network - MIDA - Mediating Islam in the Digital Age The MIDA project is to train 15 creative, entrepreneurial, and innovative researchers in social and human sciences through an interdisciplinary research programme, whose main objectives are to understand the tremendous influence that digitisation and technological innovations have on Islam.
Neue Publikation: Transottomanica - Osteuropäisch-osmanisch-persische Mobilitätsdynamiken
Publication "Studies in Peace-building History between East and West through the Middle Ages and Modern Era"
New Cooperation Opportunities for Islamic Studies in Egypt Influenced by our everlasting pursuit for excellency and prolific academic and professional networking, the CNMS-Islamic Studies department has started a reach-out initiative in Egypt. Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Albrecht Fuess, Anthony Quickel and Hala Ghoname, accompanied by the Philipps-Universität Marburg’s Cairo Office Coordinator, Mrs. Irene El-khorazaty, have carried out several visits and important meetings in Egypt. These meetings aim at developing the COSIMENA-Cultural Heritage 2019 events’ theme and exploring new cooperation opportunities for Islamic Studies/CNMS with local Egyptian universities and field-related ministries.
ENIS Spring School cfp
Granada ENIS Spring School 2019 on 'Patronage and Clientelism in the Muslim world' The Granada Spring School will be organized by ENIS (the European Network for Islamic Studies), consisting of: IISMM (EHESS-CNRS), NISIS, CNMS (Marburg University), Freie Universität Berlin, SeSaMO and CSIC. The ENIS Spring School intends to address the theme of patronage and clientelism in the Muslim world in its various dimensions. Application deadline: Friday, 25 January 2019
Alltagskultur des Balkans: Gespräch im Deutschlandfunk mit Prof. Albrecht Fuess und weiteren Mitgliedern des Transottomanica-Projektes
In der Radiosendung "Tag für Tag" des Deutschlandfunk sprach Monika Dittrich mit Pierre Hecker über Atheismus in der Türkei
Marie Curie ITN “Mediating Islam in the Digital Age” (MIDA) von Europäischer Kommission bewilligt Ein internationales Konsortium bestehend aus Forschungsinstitutionen, Universitäten und nicht akademischen Partnerorganisationen wurde vom Institut für Forschung und Innovation der Europäischen Kommission mit einer Forschungsförderung versehen.
Bericht zum Planspiel Syrienkonflikt Am 19. und 20. Juni fand am CNMS ein Planspiel in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Berliner Verein CRISP – Conflict Transformation and Civic Education zum Thema „Syrienkonflikt: Themen, Hintergründe und lokale Akteure“ statt.
Vortragsreihe „The Early Modern Middle East“
Vortrag: Das Schicksal dreier Stämme - Die Juden Arabiens zur Zeit Muhammads
Dive into the Mamluk and Ottoman Egypt Landscape Transformations EGYLandscape webGIS - online
DAAD Taziz – Workshop in Zypern vom 12.-14.09. Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Ta'ziz Science Cooperations in Nikosia, Zypern
Heritage docu-series with Prof. Fuess on Saudi channel STV and Shahid VOD, 30th October
Delegation der Uni Marburg reiste vom 18.-24.11. zur Autumn School nach Luxor Workshop der DAAD-Kooperation Ta'ziz mit Institutionen aus Ägypten, Libanon, Zypern und Deutschland
Sultan Süleyman I. der Prächtige erobert Bagdad: Prof. Dr. Albrecht Fuess im Audio-Beitrag von WDR
Neuerscheinung Aufsätze (2024 und 2025) jetzt online abrufbar! Albrecht Fuess in „A Mamluk Sultan in Genoa: How the Sīrat Baybars Shaped the Egyptian Mental Map towards Europe and the Mediterranean” (2024) und “Black Sea Pirates and Bandits—until 1475“ (2025)
Anthony Quickel, PhD Islamic Studies Marburg starts new job at Max-Planck Institute Berlin
Die starke Frau hinter dem Propheten Mohammed: Khadija Prof. Dr. Albrecht Fuess im Radio bei WDR
Konferenz “Exploring Everyday Religious Life” in UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: "Empowering Knowledge to Shape the Future" Prof. Dr. Albrecht Fuess und Esat Öztürk (PhD) als Delegierte in Indonesien